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By Dr. Lou D'Aquila, D.A., CFT, ET

Notice to all NYSTRS Retirees and others belonging to selected eligible NYS pension systems (prior to May 31 2016) who are U.S. Military Veterans:

The new law signed by Governor Cuomo now granting the use of previously non-eligible "peacetime" active military service time toward pension calculation in the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) is still only a halfhearted measure at veteran equalization within the pension system.

Problem with the law:

This new law does indeed now allow "peacetime active duty military service" (for a maximum of three years as the previous law) to be "bought back" and calculated into the final monthly pension amount. However, only NYSUT members and other eligible NYS union members who are presently in-service (those who have not yet retired prior to May 31, 2016) are eligible for this benefit. A minimum of five years in-service credit in an eligible pension system is still required.

This stipulation discriminates against older teacher/veterans and members of other eligible NYS pension systems who have already retired (prior to May 31, 2016).

Therefore, I urge all affected members who believe that they fall into this category to contact their local and state representatives, in order to have this law amended/extended to include all honorably discharged veterans, regardless of when they retired.

To find contact information for your New York State Senator, use this link: For contact information for your Assembly member, use this link:

Please take a moment to call, write or email your NYS Legislators and request that the law be amended for a fair and equitable pension for teacher veterans. If you would like additional information, or think you may be eligible for the buyback and would like assistance, contact Dr. Lou D'Aquila,

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