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Take Action


With the election of Donald Trump and the majority Republican Congress, our activism is now more important than ever. The bedrock issues for retirees are health care and retirement (Social Security and pension) benefits. As retired educators, we also join in the need to protect and advocate for our public schools and in-service teachers, which are threatened by privatization, for-profit charters, vouchers, and “reforms” that further that agenda. We also have an interest in protection of civil rights and workers’ rights. All of these issues are at the forefront at present. We therefore need


 Retirees have special interests in fighting to protect retirement pensions and quality health care, and can donate to NYSUT actions that will help to do so.                                                                                                                          

VOTE/COPE is the political action fund of NYSUT and its affiliates. Voluntary donations given by active and retired NYSUT members support union-backed political candidates and campaign committees that are helping to advance national as well as state and local education and union issues. You can fight to protect public


MAC - NYSUT Member Action Center

The 'MAC' is an online tool to connect a grassroots community of activists interested in education, healthcare and other issues affecting working people and families. Take action today!

Take Action: Make your voice heard


Make your views known to those in Congress and state legislatures who represent you on the issues that affect working families every day.  Visit the AFT's Take Action page.