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Archive of RC 10 Articles

We are so glad that you were able to take advantage of the on-line seminar to help you prepare for your retirement that was sponsored by Retiree Councils 10, 9, and 12.  Click the link below to find a follow-up brochure that might help you in your transition to retirement. If you have questions, please make sure to reach out.



PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A 2023 DONATION to the BackPack Program. BackPacks are sent home each Friday with students through June. Just $1 will purchase FOUR meals for a BACKPACK! Total donations from Retiree Council 10 members from July 1 to February 28 are $17,888.27.

Pandemic funding for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and free breakfast and lunch for all school children has been reduced and/or ended. The Regional Food Bank is diligently working to fill the gap.

MAKE CHECK OUT TO: The Regional Food Bank

WRITE in the MEMO SECTION: RC 10 BackPack/specify the school or



TUESDAY, APRIL 18, Annual NYSUT Retiree Regional Conference, Stable Gate Winery, CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON. The full day presentations will include Ron Gross, NYSUT 2nd Vice President; Jennifer Thibeault, Rensselaer County Office for Aging, HIICAP Counselor, Site Manager; Underground Railroad Mary Liz and Paul Stewart; and RC 10 Leadership and NYSUT Retiree Services Staff. Cost: $20 includes continental breakfast and a lunch buffet which will include a variety of choices, dessert, and beverages. Wine Tasting at 2:30 for $10/person payable that day. If you have not received the Regional




The Kate Mullany National Historic Site announces:

The inspirational musical story of Kate Mullany and the Troy Collar Laundry Union February 1864 Strike



The Cohoes Music Hall

58 Remsen Street

Cohoes, NY 12047

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Matinee 2 pm; Evening 7 pm

Ticket Office (518) 434-0776

Box Office: Monday to Friday, 11 am to 3 pm


Orchestra and Parquet $25

Balcony $20; Students $15




Tri-County Literacy Center, serving Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties, will be offering volunteer literacy tutor training as follows:

Mar. 21 through Apr. 25 (no class April 11)

Tuesdays | 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the

SUNY Adirondack Queensbury Campus


In this course, individuals will receive complete training by   Tri-County Literacy Center staff to begin tutoring an adult student in basic literacy, the English language or both. Why not give back by teaching reading and English to adults in the community who need help? The need for literacy tutors in our region is significant



Since 2008, RC 10 has been awarding scholarships to high school seniors planning on pursuing a career in education. Four scholarships are given, one for each county represented by RC 10 members. Each scholarship is a $1,000 award, payable to the student upon receipt of a successful fall semester transcript.        

Students must complete an extensive application, which is then evaluated by a committee of RC 10 members. Each application is read and rated by three different committee members. Students are assigned points on each of two essay questions, class rank/GPA, course selection



We recently reached out to our members through the website and newsletter, requesting suggestions of volunteer  opportunities to share with all of our members. We received a number of opportunities and are listing a few of them below. Most organizations offer scheduling flexibility to their volunteers. Covid restrictions are being followed and it is strongly urged that you contact the organization regarding their needs and how you may help.




At the recent Committee of 100, Andy Pallotta stated, “They tried to kill us, and we got stronger.” He went on to say that working together, retiree and in-service members made 300,000 phone calls and broke $11 million in Vote Cope contributions. These contributions enabled political action that helped to flip the House of Representatives and our NY State Senate. Contributions also helped the efforts of NYSUT in-service teachers and NYSUT retirees as they ran for school boards, town, county, and State offices.

Vote Cope contributions have a great impact on



This activity is filled.

RC10 has 30 tickets reserved in Section 2 (these are premiere viewing seats) for the performance of Tschaikovsky and Balanchine on Thursday, July 18 at 2 p.m. Tickets will sell out fast, so reserve yours as soon as possible. NYC Ballet has only seven performances this summer at SPAC and RC 10 is fortunate to have such excellent seats in reserve! Program: Serenade (Tschaikovsky/Balanchine), Mozartiana (Tschaikovsky/Balanchine), Tschaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 2 (Tschaikovsky/Balanchine). Lunch: this is optional, but why not meet up with other members attending the



On Thursday, May 16, the American Labor Studies Center will sponsor "Mother Jones in Heaven," a musical by Si Kahn and directed by Alice Jankell. Vivian Nesbitt will play the title role, with John Dillon on guitar. The performance will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the Cohoes Music Hall, 58 Remsen Street, Cohoes. Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for students. Visit or call 518-953-0630 for tickets or more information. To view the flyer for the event, click here: