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The 100th Anniversary Celebration of the American Federation of Teachers was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota from July 17-21, 2016.

In 1916 the American Federation of Teachers was formed, when eight local unions came together in Chicago and applied for a charter from the AFL. Now membership is at its highest point ever, with more than 1.62 million members and the largest number of affiliates at 3,450, and we continue the fight against multipronged and well-funded efforts to destroy America’s labor movement and all that unions have built and stood for.

In 2012, convention delegates approved a mission statement that drives the AFT’s work for fairness, democracy, economic opportunity, and high quality services for our students, their families, and our communities. These principles were advanced through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining, political activism, and the work of our in-service and retired members.

This year, the convention opened with a Retiree Conference on Sunday, July 17. Speakers included: AFT Vice-President and President of Montana Teachers Eric Feaver; Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the 4 million member Alliance for Retired Americans; and House Representative Betty McCollum (D) of Minnesota.

“The top 25 Hedge Fund operators earn  more money  than all the Kindergarten teachers in  America.”                                                                           ~Randi Weingarten

“Retirees are the daytime protectors of all the in-service retirement benefits.”                                   ~Eric Feaver

On Monday, July 18 the Convention was called to order by President Randi Weingarten and she proceeded to give her keynote address. Three thousand delegates sat as she described this year’s election as “a moment of reckoning for our country and a battle for the soul of our children’s future.” She spoke about the AFT endorsement of Hillary Clinton and how she will be a friend to education through her life-time achievements and advocacy for early childhood education, public education, universal health care, human rights and economic opportunities.

On Tuesday, July 19, Convention highlights included Convention business on Constitutional Amendments, Resolutions, and speeches from Minnesota Senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, along with Hillary Clinton.

Tests don’t measure eveything that’s important. Employers tell me they want creative employees with critical thinking skills and an ability to work well with others. It’s hard to test those things.”   ~Senator Al Franken

All students should have access to all resources. It should not matter what school you attend. All children deserve to receive a high quality education.”                                     ~Senator Amy Klobuchar

When I am president, you will have a partner in the White House, and you will always have a seat at the table.”                                                                                  ~Hillary Clinton

“I promise to lift the status of educators through career-long professional development, higher salaries for teachers and PSRP’s and seek reform on student debt.”                                                                                                   ~Hillary Clinton

 Waiting  in a  two  and a  half  hour  long  line to  hear  from  Hillary Clinton.                                                                                                                                                                       

The Value of Community Collaboration topic brought on three speakers.  Philadelphia City Council member Helen Gym spoke about how poverty and inequality are at the heart of injustices in our schools. Los Angeles Unified School District Board President, Steven Zimmer, spoke about the Board of Education, United Teachers of LA and the school district working together to raise graduation rates in the city by 25 percent. Retiree Rod Sherman, a past local president and now school board member from Plattsburgh, NY, said that years of collaboration between his district and union have benefited the community.

Delegates approved Per Capita increases: Effective 9/1/2016, each local will receive $19.03 per month with $1 dedicated to a special AFT “Response Fund.” Effective 9/1/2017 locals will pay a per capita tax of $19.28, with $1.10 being dedicated to the “Response Fund.”

Many progressive resolutions were adopted, including the following (listed in order of passage):

#27     Racial Equity

#28     Against Deportation

#29     School Safety and Educational Opportunity for LGBTQ

#1        Taking Action on the Promise of  Every Student Succeeds Act.

#2        Building a National Movement for the Public Schools ALL Our Students Deserve with the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools and Through ESSA Reauthorization.

#42     Attack Economic Inequality

#45     Oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership

#46     Achieve Tax Fairness by Cracking Down on Offshore Tax Havens

#14     Reining in Abusive Medical Billing Practices and Crippling Debt

#13     Fight Back Against Consolidation in Healthcare

#57     Improving outcomes for Latino Students

#59     Lobby to Remove the Congressional Block on Funding for Gun Violence Research

#62     Overturn Citizens United

#19     The Fight Against Student Debt

#25     End Garnishment of Social Security to Pay Student Loan Debt

#79     Petition OSHA for a Workplace Violence Prevention Standard for All Healthcare Workers

             #80     Sepsis Awareness and Education    

#34     Push Back: Defeating the Global Movement to Privatize Education and Public Services

             #37     Hand in Hand                                                                                                                                                                                            

There were more resolutions, but I had to catch a flight home. Check your next AFT Newspaper for a complete listing.                                                            

In the election, the Progressive Party Caucus received 98% of delegate votes. Officers elected included President Randi Weingarten, Secretary-Treasurer Loretta Johnson, and Executive Vice-President Mary Cathryn Ricker.

Final Credential Committee Report:

    Total Delegates           2,651

    Locals Represented       467

    State Federations            24

    Councils                           0

    Ex. Council                       6

    Total Alternates                17


It was a distinct honor and pleasure to once again represent the 8,000 members of NYSUT Retiree Council 10. If you have any questions, you may contact me at Please use "Convention Question" in your subject line.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Stolis, 1st Vice-President

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