NYSUT is urging educators and parents/grandparents to review the new draft New York P-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards, and to weigh in during the public comment period through November 4.
NYSUT President Karen Magee stated that the draft was "a good start in the long process" to set new standards, but others have been upset that the P-2 standards were drafted before the work of the P-2 subcommittee on the task force was complete.
The new draft learning standards are available on the State Education AIMHighNY website for public review and comment. To comment, you must download the grade level(s) you would like to comment on and then complete the survey questions. You can submit comments individually or as a group. SED is working with BOCES to encourage schools to host regional forums to gather comments. Final revisions will be presented to the Regents Board for its consideration in early 2017.