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The stakes have never been higher than they are during this year's Midterm Elections on Tuesday, November 6th. It is crucial that Democrats flip the Congress and that we restore the checks and balances that are built into the Constitution. The health of our public schools, environment, economy, healthcare, women's rights, civil rights, voting rights, and much more will all be decided by the people we elect to represent us. Most concerning are recent statements by GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that indicate the GOP are looking to cut Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid in order to balance the huge deficit they created with the trickle-down tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations. They are referring to these social safety net programs as "entitlements," and disregarding the fact that all of us over the course of our working lives contributed to these programs out of our paychecks. They are not giveaways, they are something we invested in and earned.

Please help to get out the vote by reminding friends and relatives of the need to protect Medicare and Social Security, which are crucial programs that sustain lives of seniors and the disabled. Take friends and relatives with you to the polls! If you are going to have difficulty voting on November 6, contact your local Board of Elections to get an absentee ballot.

We fought back on the Constitutional Convention and won - we can work just as hard to Get Out The Vote this year and take back control of our democracy.

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