The NYSUT Representative Assembly was held April 26-28, 2018, in Buffalo. RC 10 was represented by Delegates Dennis Bouchard and Bonnie Maxon, and Alternate Delegate Deb Escobar. Over 1700 delegates were in attendance.
All three of the RC 10 delegates attended the Stronger Together Caucus, which reviewed resolutions. It was stressed that they do not take positions on resolutions but provide a platform to exchange thoughts and ideas. Individuals are free to vote as they see fit. ST leadership also shared the excellent working relationship and communications they have had this year with NYSUT.
The Assembly was treated to a number of excellent speakers, including NYSUT leadership (President Andy Pallotta, Executive Vice President Jolene DiBrango, lst Vice President Philippe Abraham, and 2nd Vice President Paul Pecorale), AFT’s President Randi Weingarten, NYS AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento, as well as political leaders that included Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, then-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. All of the speakers referenced concerns over the Janus case at the Supreme Court, extolled union participation in the movement against the NY Constitutional Convention and discussed legal action NYS has been taking to protect unions against changes that are coming from Washington.
Andy Pallotta stated that we need to “stay strong and address the issues. We anticipated a $6 million loss from Janus – we have already cut $10 million.” Cilento reiterated that “we are one union family” and said, “To those who want to silence our voice, we say not now, not ever.” Weingarten stated that “People are awakening in this age of Trump. We are in a moment. It is catalytic and exciting. And this may just be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a movement that makes it better for people.”
Pallotta also pointed to the bill moving through the state legislature that would prohibit the mandated use of state standardized tests to evaluate educators and students, as proof that perseverance pays off, and promised “We won’t back down. We are organizing and have placed person-to-person contact and relationship building at the heart of all that we do.”
At a special breakfast for E.D. 51-53 retirees, NYSUT At-Large E.D. Director Florence McCue said, “We built this organization, we will not let it falter. We will work together to support every single member.”
RC 10 co-sponsored a number of resolutions that were presented to the Assembly. They included:
- Res. 9: Formation of a committee to amend the NYSUT Constitution – Referred to NYSUT Board
- Res. 11: Kindergarten Entrance Age (to be five by September 1). Adopted as amended, with an exemption for those in public pre-K programs.
- Res. 12: Educate and support Pre K-12 teachers and SRPs about transgender students. Adopted.
- Res. 13: Oppose “back door” privatization of public schools. Adopted as amended.
- Res. 17: Solving the teacher shortage by restoring professional autonomy and advocating for child-centered education. Referred to NYSUT Board.
- Res. 18: Revive the National Teacher Corps. Referred to NYSUT Board.
- Res. 24: Funding Special Education (outcome unknown).
- Res. 25: Revive excellent in teaching/teacher support aid funding program (outcome unknown).
- Res. 28: Opposition to property tax cap – Adopted as amended.
- Res. 30: Local union representation on school district health care consortiums – Adopted.
- Res. 32: Voting Rights in NYS – Referred to NYSUT Board.
- Res. 34: Retirees – to increase involvement and participation of new retirees; NYSUT to continue to focus on Retiree Services. Adopted.
Complete coverage of the RA is available at