At the annual spring meeting on June 2, 2020, the election of officers and delegates for 2020-2023 will be held. The elected officers of NYSUT Retiree Council 10 shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President-SRP, Secretary, and Treasurer. Also elected at that time will be three NYSUT Delegates, three Alternate NYSUT Delegates, one AFT Delegate, and one Alternate AFT Delegate. At the present time current office holders and delegates not seeking another term are President, First Vice-President, Treasurer, two NYSUT delegates, and two alternate NYSUT delegates. The following RC 10 members were appointed as the nominating committee: Patricia Balcom, Davia Dymond, Marie Marois, Joseph Sano, and Benedict Schaefer. Nominations forms are available from Pat Balcom at or at 1237 County Route 13, Old Chatham, NY 12136, or click the link below to print one out.