DECEMBER 2020, By Laraine Gillette, RC 10 Secretary
Since there was no general membership meeting in the spring, the membership had no opportunity to vote for the officers and delegates for 2020-2023. Following guidelines from NYSUT, the Board of Directors acted on the uncontested officer and delegate positions.
At the June 16, 2020, Board of Directors meeting, Sean O’Neill moved to have the secretary cast one vote for the following officers and delegates: PRESIDENT, Barbara McCarthy; FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, Joe Sano; SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Ann Cherney; SECRETARY, Laraine Gillette; NYSUT ALTERNATE DELEGATES: Celine Casey, Deb Escobar, and Jane Weihe; AFT DELEGATE, Jim Stolis; and AFT ALTERNATE DELEGATE, Bonnie Maxon. Davia Dymond seconded. Motion passed. The secretary cast one ballot for the above listed officers and delegates. Sean O’Neill then moved to appoint Paula Johannessen to be interim treasurer starting July 1, 2020. Seconded by Deb Escobar. Motion passed.
In the spring, the following members were nominated for the three NYSUT delegate positions: Don Finelli, Mary Kruchinski, Bonita Maxon, Barbara McCarthy, and Vincent Pelliccia. In October, NYSUT mailed Retiree Council 10 members election information for those positions. In order to receive a ballot, members needed to attend a Zoom meeting organized by NYSUT. Based on that meeting, 29 RC 10 members received ballots. Mary Kruchinski, Bonita Maxon, and Barbara McCarthy were elected NYSUT delegates.
The following action was taken at the November 17, 2020, Board of Directors meeting. Since there was no one nominated for Treasurer, Retiree Council 10 followed the Constitution and By Laws regarding appointment of an officer to a vacant position. Barbara McCarthy as President surveyed the Executive Committee to appoint a treasurer and assistant treasurer. Laraine Gillette moved to appoint Mary Kruchinski as Treasurer and Paula Johannessen as Assistant Treasurer. Seconded by Ben Schaefer. Motion passed.
Below are the names and email addresses of the officers and delegates. If you have any questions, please let me know.
President - Barbara McCarthy,
1st Vice President - Joe Sano,
2nd Vice President (SRP) - Ann L. Cherney,
Secretary - Laraine Gillette,
Treasurer - Mary Kruchinski,
Assistant Treasurer - Paula M. Johannessen,
Immediate Past President - David Golden,
NYSUT Delegates - Mary Kruchinski,; Bonita Maxon,; Barbara McCarthy,
NYSUT Alternate Delegates - Celine Casey,; Deb Escobar,; Jane Weihe,
AFT Delegate - Jim Stolis,
AFT Alternate Delegate - Bonita Maxon,