We recently reached out to our members through the website and newsletter, requesting suggestions of volunteer opportunities to share with all of our members. We received a number of opportunities and are listing a few of them below. Most organizations offer scheduling flexibility to their volunteers. Covid restrictions are being followed and it is strongly urged that you contact the organization regarding their needs and how you may help.
- AFTER THE FIRE, PO Box 4188, Halfmoon, NY 12065. Contact: https://www.facebook.com/SaratogaCountyAfterTheFire or Email: NYAftertheFire@yahoo.com Phone: 518-435-4571
After the Fire is a volunteer, non-profit, publicly supported organization helping people in Saratoga County who have been victims of fire in their home. On call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week they work with the families during and after the fire, at a pace which is comfortable with them. Assistance includes a place to stay (free of charge for 1 night), personal care items, clothing, food, information, and emotional support. All of this is provided at no charge to the victims.
- CAPITAL ROOTS Contact: Kimberlee Caperna, Director of Volunteer Services, volunteer@capitalroots.org; Sharon DiLorenzo, Education Coordinator, trees@capitalroots.org.
For 45 years, Capital Roots has been helping underserved residents of the Capital Region improve their neighborhoods, health, and well-being through a slate of innovative food access and education programs that reduce the impacts that poverty, poor nutrition and lack of access to healthy foods have on our local communities. Distance participation for now; hopefully in Spring will open outside participation again.
- CATHOLIC CHARITIES VICTORY CLOSET (An outreach program of Soroptimist International), Broad Street, Glens Falls Contact: www.siadirondacks.com
Victory’s Closet for the Domestic Violence Project is in the basement of Catholic Charities on Broad Street in Glens Falls. Victory’s Closet provides clothing, home goods and personal items at no charge for clients who are in counseling at Catholic Charities. Shop opens on Wednesdays. Volunteers stock the store and assist women in their selections.
- CDALF Capital District Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, 302 Centre Street, Albany NY, 12203, Contact: 518-452-0404
CDALF is one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO at the heart of the labor movement. As democratically elected bodies dedicated to representing the interests of working people at the state and local level, they mobilize members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice while striving daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin. Volunteers are offered a wide variety of programs – from political phone banks and surveys to support for local food banks and community organizations, as well as picket line opportunities.
- CHERYL’S LODGE (CAPTAIN Youth and Family Services), 25 Fern Lane, Clifton Park NY, 12065 (Halfmoon Heights, Halfmoon, NY) Contact: (518) 373-8873
The Cheryl's Lodge located in Halfmoon Heights is the community outreach center for Captain Youth and Family Services. Here at the Cheryl's Lodge, there are numerous programs that are offered to children, families and seniors. Cheryl’s Lodge consistently offers unique extra-curricular activities and educational support. Volunteers can participate in tutoring programs. Distance participation for now.
- COMFORT FOOD AND COMMUNITY PANTRY, 530 NY-40, Greenwich, NY 12834 Contact: (518) 692-3082 On-Line sign-up @ https://comfortfoodcommunity.volunteerhub.com/account/signin
Work with guests during pantry service or behind the scenes by unloading deliveries or restocking shelves. Join the “glean team” and help harvest produce that otherwise would go to waste or assist with prepping, packing and delivering meals to local students in need. Currently limited opportunities.
- COMMUNITY CAREGIVERS, 2021 Western Avenue, Albany, NY Contact:(518) 456-2898 (www.communitycaregivers.org)
Community Caregivers provides services (transportation, shopping, visits, calls, health literacy etc.) that enable individuals of all ages to maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life within their homes and communities. Whenever possible, volunteers offer non-medical assistance to residents so that they can avoid hospitalization or institutionalization. It also helps family members and friends cope with the challenges of long-term caregiving by offering respite assistance.
- CORNERSTONE FOOD PANTRY (FORT ANN NY), CORNERSTONE BIBLE CHURCH Phone: 518-639-4009 DALE GRINNEL (Coordinator) (calls returned when reviewed)
Local church-based food pantry where volunteers collect and stock food items for distribution. Operates the 3rd Saturday of each month 9-11 AM.
- ESL English as a Second Language, Contact: Helen Garden hdgarden1@gmail.com
Teaching English to Spanish speaking individuals who wish to improve conversational ability as they seek citizenship. Currently this is a “Zoom” based program.
- HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF COLONIE, Phone: (518) 782-2601
Organization’s purpose is to stimulate an appreciation of the historical heritage of the Town of Colonie; to discover, collect and preserve any material which may help illustrate the history of Colonie; to bring about the preservation of historic buildings, monuments and sites; and to disseminate historical information. Staffing numerous community events, display prep etc. offer unique options for helpers.
- REGIONAL FOOD BANK-NORTHEASTERN NEW YORK, Catholic Charities Mobile Outreach Vehicle Extension [CC MOVE] ,965 Albany-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110. Online individual volunteer registration: https://regionalfoodbank.net/volunteer/ Online group volunteer registration: https://regionalfoodb.wpengine.com/volunteer-as-a-group/
Volunteers participate in food program events, such as warehouse assistance, food sorting, seed planting etc. Online registration allows total flexibility. COVID protocols in effect for all.
- S.A.F.E.R. (Schuylerville Area Food and Emergency Relief) Food Pantry, 12 Spring Street. Schuylerville, New York Phone: 518-260-4779 (during open hours)
This food pantry is open year-round (except holidays or school snow days) M-W-F between 9:00 am and 12 noon, for residents of the Schuylerville Central School District.
- ST. PETER’S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY, St. Peter's Hospital, Albany Contact: Amanda Weller 518-525-1515 amandaweller@sphp.com
Numerous volunteer activities such as gift and thrift shop staffing where available and many other places in the various SPH locations.
- SARATOGA CARE LINKS (A Program of CAPTAIN Community Human Services). Phone: Ava Gardner 518-399-4624, ava@captaincares.org, or 518-399-3262, Terra@captaincares.org
Care Links volunteers provide supportive services at no cost to persons 60+ in the towns of Ballston (including Burnt Hills), Charlton, Clifton Park, Halfmoon, Malta, and the city of Mechanicville. Those services include friendly visiting, transportation, respite assistance, shopping, simple housekeeping chores, telephone reassurance, and referral to other community organizations as needed. Training is provided to volunteers.
- SARATOGA SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER-FOOD PROGRAMS, 5 Williams Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Contact: Lawrence @ 518 584-1621
Food Programs for seniors that offers numerous activities such as stocking shelves and delivering meals and supplies to seniors.
- SHAKER POINTE LIBRARY COMMITTEE, Shaker Pointe Community @ Carondolet Bell Tower Drive, Watervliet, NY 12189. Phone: 518-713-4862 Carole J Egan, Chairperson, caroleje424@gmail.com
Currently open to Shaker Pointe residents only. Committee members liaison with Colonie Town Library; shelve material, assist residents with reading selections, purchase books and magazine subscriptions.
- SKENE MANOR Whitehall, NY. Phone: Skene Manor: 518-499-1906. https://www.skenemanor.org/
Skene Manor is a Victorian Gothic-style mansion in Whitehall, New York. The manor has been restored and preserved by Whitehall Skene Manor Preservation, Inc. Currently closed due to COVID but volunteers are most welcome as restrictions are lifted.
- SPAC SARATOGA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Joan Sussman at 518.584.9330 ext. 106 or volunteer@spac.org.
Volunteer usher opportunities available for three separate schedules broken up into the Classical Programming, Little Theater, and Live Nation events.
- STILLWATER FOOD PANTRY (Stillwater United Church), 747 Hudson Ave, Stillwater, NY Contact: (518) 664-1231 or stillwaterfoodpantry@gmail.com
The Stillwater Food Pantry provides unprepared foods directly to those in need. In addition, we are an important source of emergency food for those who may need temporary help.
- STILLWATER FOOD PANTRY Presbyterian Church, 747 Hudson Avenue, Stillwater, NY 12170 Contact: Pierre Ghorayeb 518 664-1231
An additional option for those in the Stillwater area. Stocking shelves, distribution and assisting those in need as they find their supplies at the pantry.
- THE WELCOME TABLE, St. John’s/St. Ann’s (South End Albany, NY), 88 Fourth Ave., Albany Contact: Gloria Towle-Hilt, Coordinator 518-355-2092 Gloria@towle-hilt.com
Volunteers help to prepare meals, set up and serve the meal and do post meal clean up. Welcome Table serves on Tuesdays and Saturdays 10am-1:30pm. Volunteers can commit to any number of days, whenever they are available. *Take-out meals only during the pandemic.
- WILTON FOOD PANTRY, Exit 16, 155 Ballard Rd., Wilton, NY 12831 (Trinity United Methodist Church) Contact: https://www.wiltonfoodpantry.org. Click on Volunteer/or Barb McCarthy 518-321-5597
You can volunteer to pick up orders, assist the patrons with selecting food, or restock shelves when inventory is delivered. Volunteering to restock shelves was every other week, but during the pandemic, there has been an increased demand for services. If you are volunteering to help patrons pick up food, they are open Wednesday late afternoon and Saturday mornings. Currently they are not bringing patrons in to “shop.” They place orders online.
- WIN (WOMEN IN NEED), Lake George, NY. Contact: Francene Shaughnessy (Membership Chair) 518 424-4177, fals_1999@yahoo.com
WIN is a 501c-3 not for profit organization that assists women and families in need. Gift cards for food, staples, clothing, school supplies, fuel etc. are given to applicants once their need is confirmed and approved. Hygiene bags are distributed to schools. Volunteers staff the fundraising activities raising money for the gift cards and solicit donations from local businesses.