RC 10 will hold another Joy Bear Workshop on Wednesday, June 7 from 10 am to 12 noon at NYSUT on Route 7 in Latham. Joy Bears are decorated teddy bears that are given to cancer patients to provide comfort as they undergo chemo treatment. It is the hope of the project to get dozens of bears decorated and delivered to cancer patients. This project only asks for your time. All materials are provided free of cost. You do not need to be a long time craft person to make a Joy Bear. Bring a friend or two to help us complete these much appreciated bears. To sign up, please contact Ann Cherney at acherne1@nycap.rr.com or call 982-1923 after 3 p.m. Please help!
If you know of a person undergoing treatment for cancer, please contact rc10secretary@hotmail.com and a bear will be sent to that person.
To see an article about the history of our project, visit the link listed below: