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The final report for the January 1-December 31, 2016, VOTE COPE campaign has been distributed; and because of your efforts and those of the active members throughout the state, the results were outstanding!

Statewide contributions were up 6.72 percent and a total of $10,101,097 was collected. This total is a new high for statewide VOTE COPE contributions! The results for the Capital District Regional Office, which includes Election Districts 10, 12, and some of 9, were even more impressive. The total contributed by both active members and retirees affiliated with their former local was 18% more than last year in our region. As one of the Capital Region’s VOTE COPE   Coordinators, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you that understood the importance of VOTE COPE and contributed last year!!

As we look forward to the 2017 campaign, there is still much work to do. Threats to public education, defined benefit retirement plans, health care, social security and unions are becoming more real every day. And, we can’t forget the negative effect a vote in support of a statewide Constitutional Convention might have on some of those things listed above, especially retirement benefits! When asked to contribute, please consider how any change in any of these things could impact you. 

Please consider contributing in 2017. It is one of the most selfish things you can do, and that’s okay!

Bob DeMarco, Capital Region VOTE COPE Coordinator,, 518-225-2128

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