BY RUTH SHIPPEE, December 2020
This year has been challenging on so many levels. The holidays have been different than those in the past.
The events, conferences, and meetings that we as retirees have had previously also need to take a different look as we adapt to the current health concerns.
To that end, I am gathering ideas on what might be of interest to you as retirees to participate in to allow us to continue to interact, learn, and be entertained. Let me know your ideas of speakers, topics of interest to you, places you would like to do virtual tours of as a group, book club ideas, resources and benefits of interest. MAIL RESPONSE TO RUTH SHIPPEE, NYSUT Retiree Services Consultant 59 Glen Road, Fort Edward, NY 12828
Any and all ideas are welcomed. I hope to be able to advertise and implement some programming by the end of January and February.