In November 2017, NYS citizens will be asked to vote on whether there should be a Constitutional Convention. There are many wealthy people in this state who will spare no amount of expense or effort to influence change to our constitution, that will alter the balance of power and threaten rights that are guaranteed in our current constitution. Some of those rights include:
- Fundamental rights we enjoy as public employees and citizens of NY
- A sound organizational structure for state government, which if altered, could give too much power to any one branch
- Rights to workers compensation
- The right to a free public education
- The guarantee that prohibits reductions and/or changes to public pensions -- nothing you currently have through TRS and ERS would be off of the table if the constitution were amended.
- The right for you to be a union member.
- The right to bargain collectively.
- Currently the use of state monies to assist private schools is prohibited.
- The guarantee of social welfare programs and rights could be altered.
- Protections on state land including state forests.
This issue will have a direct affect on you, your family and your livelihood
How much is your pension worth to you? Fight this by contributing to VOTE COPE and sharing information with others about the dangers of changing our state constitution.
For more information, chedk out the flyer linked below: