You are invited to attend the sixteenth NYSUT Regional Conference for Retiree Council 10 on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 8:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at the Albert Shanker Conference Center, NYSUT Headquarters, 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY.
A variety of workshops and speakers are planned for the event. The cost of $18.00 includes a Continental Breakfast and a Hot Buffet lunch.
The schedule will be as follows:
8:15-8:50 - Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:50-9:00 - Welcome Remarks
9:00-9:50 - Elizabeth Pivonka: Social Security Administration
9:55-10:15 - Break
10:15-11:15 - Steve Kramer: Estate Planning
11:25-12:15 - NYSUT Officer
12:20-1:10 - Lunch
1:15-2:00 - Anthony Musso: Day Trips
2:00 - Evaluations, Door Prizes, and adjournment
To register, mail the completed registration form linked below with your non-refundable check payable to NYSUT for $18.00 to the address listed on the form, no later than May 5, 2017.
This conference is sponsored and subsidized by NYSUT Retiree Services. Retiree Council 10 has also contributed to lower the cost for you to attend. Please plan to spend the day with us. Invite a former colleague to join you for fun and informative day. We look forward to seeing you on May 10, 2017.