NYSUT retirees who retired from employment in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, or Washington Counties are automatically members of Retiree Council 10. If your local association requires a retiree to pay dues, you must do that to join RC 10. Not sure? Ask an officer in your local. On-line membership form and payment available at https://forms.gle/SRDuhgdMrHtc4TjV8
This membership entitles you to:
- Receive the RC 10 SKYLINE NEWS that is published five times during the year. This newsletter is mailed by NYSUT using the United States Postal Service.
- Volunteer to be an officer, director, chair, or ambassador who represent retirees on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Board members speak to our legislators, attend rallies, represent retirees and their interests, and look for trends in changing health care as well as legislation that may hurt retirees. At the monthly meetings, ambassadors from each school district report on retiree activities and concerns at the local level.
- Assist the webmaster with the rc10.ny.aft.org website, which contains current, as well as archived, information.
- Join the Travel/Social Committee that provides numerous trips that travel one day to nearby locations and several days to national and/or Canadian locations.
Retiree Council 10 Activities:
- General meetings that have speakers of interest to retirees. Your Sustaining Membership fee subsidizes these meetings.
- Four $1,000 scholarships each year to a student planning on becoming a teacher.
- Pre-Retirement workshops for future members.
- Volunteer opportunities at the Regional Food Bank. Additionally, members have donated thousands of dollars to the Regional Food Bank BackPack Program.
SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP: This is a voluntary level where the member contributes a participation fee annually to help support the programming of the Retiree Council. Currently the full fee is $20/year and is based on your pension level. A list of members who have paid the sustaining fee is sent to the email list several times during the year. While there are 11,000 members, there are only 500 sustaining (dues paying) members.
- Members who have paid the sustaining membership fee may receive a discount on the registration fee for trips.
PERMANENT SUSTAINING MEMBERS: Members who are retired for 21 years or more (since 2003) are Permanent Sustaining Members and have the sustaining membership fee waived. There are 1,700 permanent sustaining members.
SOCIAL MEMBERS: Members in good standing of other RCs may become non-voting social members of RC 10. Contact the RC 10 Communications chair at rc10communications@gmail.com
Our membership form can be found at: