At each Executive Committee meeting, the officers of RC 10 will meet with retirees who are interested in becoming involved in the various activities of the Council. Below is a list of some of the options. If you are interested in participating in any of these committees, please e-mail for more information about the meetings.

NYSUT members, including retirees, attend Committee of 100 meetings with legislators.
Were you involved in the political process before you retired? Whether you were or now realize you have time to become involved, the Committee of 100 may be a way for you to be more active politically. The Committee of 100 is a vital part of NYSUT's grassroots lobbying effort. At least twice a year, usually in the spring, representatives from teacher union locals as well as Retiree Councils meet in Albany to be briefed on legislative issues affecting education. These teachers and retirees then meet with legislators in their offices to discuss legislation and make the case for laws affecting everything from state aid to schools to bullying and retirement benefits.
Want to plan a luncheon, day trip, multi-day trip, or a trip to a foreign country? Anyone interested in planning social and travel activities should join this committee. To see the list of planned activities for the coming year, check out the Travel & Social page under "Actions and Events" on the main menu.
The newsletter is published six times a year. As soon as your retirement is processed by NYSUT, you receive this publication. Anyone interested in submitting articles is encouraged to contribute. Anyone with proofreading skills is also encouraged to become involved with the newsletter.
Each year RC 10 presents four scholarships to qualified high school seniors who are planning on becoming teachers. Scholarship committee members evaluate these applications and select the scholarship recipients.
Ambassadors maintain contact with retirees from their districts and encourage those retirees to be active in RC 10. They attend monthly Board of Directors meetings and report on the activities in their locals.
The Committee for Social Justice will involve members in issues regarding child labor; conscious purchasing and fair trade; domestic abuse; educational justice; hunger and poverty; international solidarity; immigration reform; labor solidarity; LGBTQ solidarity; racial justice; support for human rights; wage equity; and women’s issues, history and rights.