PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A 2023 DONATION to the BackPack Program. BackPacks are sent home each Friday with students through June. Just $1 will purchase FOUR meals for a BACKPACK! Total donations from Retiree Council 10 members from July 1 to February 28 are $17,888.27.
Pandemic funding for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and free breakfast and lunch for all school children has been reduced and/or ended. The Regional Food Bank is diligently working to fill the gap.
MAKE CHECK OUT TO: The Regional Food Bank
WRITE in the MEMO SECTION: RC 10 BackPack/specify the school or district you wish to support - (EX) Memo: RC 10 BackPack/South Glens Falls CSD
SEND to: Mary Ellen Caporta, 6 West Bayberry Road, Glenmont, NY 12077
Four Retiree Council 10 members (one for each county) who volunteer in an organization assisting their local community will be recognized in the 2023 newsletters. Our first member is from Capital Region BOCES. Click this link to read the article: http://rc10.ny.aft.org/news/rc-10-members-caring-community. Please contact Mary Ellen Caporta at bayberry6@gmail.com if you wish to nominate someone from your area.
RC 10 members worked with U Albany students and other young people sorting food at the Regional Food Bank on February 15. The work is fun and enjoyable—many thanks to all our members who have so generously volunteered their time.