TUESDAY, APRIL 18, Annual NYSUT Retiree Regional Conference, Stable Gate Winery, CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON. The full day presentations will include Ron Gross, NYSUT 2nd Vice President; Jennifer Thibeault, Rensselaer County Office for Aging, HIICAP Counselor, Site Manager; Underground Railroad Mary Liz and Paul Stewart; and RC 10 Leadership and NYSUT Retiree Services Staff. Cost: $20 includes continental breakfast and a lunch buffet which will include a variety of choices, dessert, and beverages. Wine Tasting at 2:30 for $10/person payable that day. If you have not received the Regional Conference flyer, please contact rc10secretary@hotmail.com.
Wednesday, June 7, RC 10 Annual Spring Dinner Meeting, Italian Community Center, 257 Washington Avenue Ext, Albany, from 4-7 pm. The 5 pm dinner will be preceded by a business meeting at 4 pm when the election of officers and delegates will take place. The highlight will be the celebration of the RC 10 scholarship winners, the RC 10 honorees, and the 2022 retirees. Entrée selections are Chicken Marsala, Eggplant Rollatini, and Baked Salmon. The price including tax and gratuity is $20. Use the registration form attached. Checks should be made out to RC 10 and mailed to Jeanne Bush, 102 Southbury Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065 by May 24, 2023. Contact: 518-371-1738 or Jeannebsh50@gmail.com if you have questions.
thursDAY, JUNE 8, 10 AM, Walking Tour of Albany Rural Cemetery, 3 cemetery avenue, albany, 12204. Albany Rural Cemetery is a National Historic Landmark and the final resting place for many notable people in the history of New York State. Within its 467 acres, visitors are treated to historical and architectural monuments in a beautiful natural environment. Paula Lemire, cemetery historian and media communications coordinator, will give a short history of the cemetery followed by about a 45-minute walking tour highlighting structures near the pond. At the end of the tour, participants will be able to view the three Tiffany windows housed in the Chapel and then explore on their own and/or enjoy a picnic lunch. Despite areas of uneven ground, most of the tour is level and handicap accessible. Directions: Use the main entrance on Broadway (Route 32). Once through the large stone gate, go straight down Cemetery Avenue, cross the train tracks and straight ahead. Pass the red stone and brick lodge on the left. Take first left onto South Ridge Road; continue on South Ridge until you come to Cypress Avenue. Turn left on Cypress and meet at the pond. Cost: $20 for RC 10 sustaining members and $25 for a guest, payable in cash on the day of the tour ($2 of the cost will cover registration and the rest will be donated to the Albany Rural Cemetery). Tour is limited to 25 people. To register: contact Mary Kinnaird, mmkinnaird@aol.com. Include your name and contact number. Registrations needed by May 18. In case of inclement weather, the rain date is June 15, 10 am.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 1 to 3, Painting with a Professional, ROOM B, NYSUT, 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham. Begin your summer expanding your horizons beyond the “summer book list.” Come one, come all, no experience necessary. Work with Anne Brown, a professional painting instructor. Learn how to express your creativity through painting. Relax and enjoy the experience and meet new friends! Just bring yourself, dress comfortably, and bring a snack! Cost is $50 which includes your supplies. Registration is limited to 15 sustaining RC 10 members. Preregister (name and email address) by May 1 to Terry at ebohl@nycap.rr.com. Send the attached form and your nonrefundable check made payable to RC 10 to Terry Bohl, 7 Conestoga Drive, Slingerlands, NY 12159 by May 25. Any questions: ebohl@nycap.rr.com
Thursday, June 15, 2003, The Kate Mullany National Historic Site, Rising Worker Power in Troy and Cohoes, A Lecture and Discussion. Donation of $10 is requested. Celtic Hall, 430 Karner Rd., Albany, New York. See the attached file for more information.
Saturday, June 17, 2023, Kate Mullany National Historic Site, The inspirational musical story of Kate Mullany and the Troy Collar Laundry Union February 1864 Strike. The Cohoes Music Hall, 58 Remsen Street, Cohoes, NY 12047. See the attached file for more information.
Registration Forms: